
All the comics shown on this site are 24-hour comics... twenty-four-page comics completely created, start to finish, in twenty-four hours. At the end of 24 hours it's pencils down (or stylus down, for those comics are done with a tablet). After the 24 hours are up, any further additions or changes are off limits, so any typos, inconsistencies, or other mistakes that haven't been caught by then will remain.

The 24-hour comics on this site fall into two main categories:

Comics Drawn on 24-Hour Comics Day

I've participated in 24-Hour Comics Day every day since 2006. Some years I've participated twice, because the location where I'd planned on doing it was hosting it on a different day and I wanted to participate on the official date as well, so I did another comic somewhere else on that day. So far, I've managed to finish a comic every year; the results are posted here.

Comics from Previous Run

For a while I had the goal of creating a new 24-hour comic every 24 hours, and posting them here one page a day. That's what I originally created this site for; the name of the site, d24, was originally intended to stand for "digital 24," because these are 24-hour comics I create digitally, entirely on the computer, as opposed to the 24-hour comics I create with ink and paper on 24-Hour Comics Day. However, given that a new page went up every day, I guess it could also be taken to stand for "daily 24." Either one works. In any case, I managed to keep that schedule up for over a year, but then it kind of fell off. I'm considering trying to start that up again in the future, maybe in summer 2023, but in the meantime the comics I created for this project are online here.

I'd thought when I started this that working digitally would speed things up and give me time to do better and more detailed art than in my ink-and-paper 24-Hour Comics Day comics. Precisely the opposite has turned out to be the case. Maybe this is because I was overconfident in my ability to work quickly digitally and thus gave myself too little time for the art; maybe it was because it was harder to set aside 24 uninterrupted hours once every 24 days than once a year so I had other things I had to deal with and couldn't devote the full 24 hours to the comic; maybe it's that unlike for my 24-Hour Comics Day comics I was working on these at home by myself and didn't have the social support and positive peer pressure of other participants to keep me on track. Probably it was a combination of all of these. If I do embark on this project again, I'll try to do better. In the meantime, though, the art in my digital 24-hour comics is significantly worse than in my ink-and-paper comics, and in some cases pretty dire. Sorry.

Anyway, this site still needs a lot of work... right now it's pretty bare bones, but I do have a lot of plans for it: background and graphical theming specific to each comic; commentary on each page; etc. Still, even if there's not quite as much here to read or look at yet as I'd like, at least the 24-hour comics themselves are here, so... enjoy?